Stan Poff receives Outstanding Service Award on December 11th, 2021
CNHBA & Grand Island Habitat for Humanity's 6th Blitz Build, June 11th, 2021
Representatives from the Nebraska State Association of Home Builders visited Washington D.C. in June of 2023 to press the concerns of Builders to lawmakers in the nation's capital. The Hill visit is coordinated annually by the National Association of Home Builders in support and furtherance of their national advocacy mission and to maximize the impact of BUILD-PAC. Members that wish to be a part of next years Hill Visits should speak to their local Association President or Executive Officer. The visit is open to all NSHBA members.
These NSHBA members sure seem to be having a good time at the AREA 11 Conference in 2021
Events like this AREA 11 Conference break are an excellent opportunity to network with a broad range of industry professionals.
September 30th, 2021 NAHB AREA 11 Conference
March 5th, 2020 Wilderness Ridge, Lincoln, NE
Wilderness Ridge, Lincoln, NE
Freshman Congressman Mike Flood of Norfolk, NE greets his friends from NSHBA in his Congressional Offices. A longtime supporter of NSHBA and the local Building Associations, Mike Flood's offices reflect his love, and commitment for his Home State.
The Columbus Home Builders Association was in attendance for the 2020 NSHBA LEgislative Banquet
Knowledge and ideas were exchanged during the 2021 AREA 11 Conference.
The 6th Annual Blitz Build, June 11th, 2021 by Central Nebraska Home Builders Association and Grand Island Habitat for Humanity
CNHBA 6th Annual Blitz Build Grand Island Habitat for Humanity
Central Nebraska Home Builders enjoying the evening at the Nebraska State Home Builders Association's Legislative Banquet
Nebraska Congressman Adrian Smith, a long time defender of Nebraska Builders in Washington, with NSHBA members in his Congressional Offices.
Senator Pete Ricketts met NSHBA in his Senate offices in Washington D.C., to hear what he can do to help Nebraska Builders and Home Owners.
NSHBA represents at 2023 Area 11 Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, OK
Nebraska Congressman Don Bacon meet with Nebraska Builders to discuss the state of Nebraska's Building Industry.
On the bus heading to Lincoln for the 2020 NSHBA Legislative Banquet
NSHBA members attending the 2023 Area 11 Leadership Conference in Oklahoma City, on October 5th.
Don Wisnieski at the 2020 NSHBA Legislative Banquet.
At the 2020 Legislative Banquet Members of NSHBA had the opportunity to talk directly with Nebraska Legislators.
Home build June 11th, 2021 CNHBA, Habitat for Humanity Grand Island 6h Annual Build Blitz