Free Industry Periodicals

As a member, you will receive a copy of Builder Magazine, an NAHB publication, which keeps you up-to-date on industry issues, trends, products, building and economic news from across the country. Email updates on economic news and Legislative Alerts are also sent on a regular basis. Check the NSHBA eNewsLetter for updated issues, trends and regulations in the industry.


Networking & Communications

NSHBA is an open forum for builders and related industry professionals to meet and exchange information about business opportunities, trends, issues and problems. Associate members have opportunities to meet with builders in order to build and sustain positive and profitable relationships. Statewide meetings and events provide a forum to meet, network, become educated on industry issues and to nurture relationships and friendships.

Promoting Professionalism

Educational seminars and training classes are sponsored by NSHBA and our HBA's to help members learn and take advantage of opportunities in today's changing market.

Member Rebate Program

NSHBA Member Rebate ProgramNebraska State Home Builders is participating in a nationwide member rebate program. This is a state program and is in addition to your NAHB Member Advantage program. It's a free member benefit through your state association. The program is open to all Builder and Remodeler members. Over 0 of the industry’s leading Manufacturers participate!

Discover the manufacturers participating you probably already use and Register Today!

National Green Building Standards

Recently Updated
ICC 700-2020

The National Green Building Standard® (NGBS) is an ANSI-approved, third-party certified, residential building standard. The NGBS Green certification demonstrates high-performance building in six areas: Lot Design and Development, Resource Efficiency, Water Efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Indoor Environmental Quality, and Building Operation & Maintenance.

NAHB members can receive free digital access to the ICC 700-2020 National Green Building Standard®.

Membership just makes ¢ents

Dollars and $ense!

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NAHB works with members of Congress and federal agencies to help ensure the priorities of remodelers are addressed in federal legislation and regulations. Our successful efforts in mobilizing grassroots efforts on key issues, building successful coalitions, and educating national leaders are evident in tax credit law and regulatory actions that positively impact and protect remodeling businesses throughout the country.

Elections matter and have a lasting impact. That’s why it is so important for NAHB members to be engaged in the political process every step of the way.

BUILD-PAC, NAHB’s bipartisan political arm, helps elect pro-housing, pro-business candidates to federal office and is critical to NAHB’s success on Capitol Hill.