NSHBA Unicameral Watch

When 43% of new home's cost is regulatory burdens imposed by Federal, State, and Local Government, it’s crucial for Nebraska Home Builders to keep a close eye on the activities of their Senators elected to the Nebraska Unicameral. Informed, politically active Builders are the frontline defense of affordable housing in Nebraska. Let’s work together to keep housing affordable, for all Nebraskans!



Keep Current on Nebraska Legislation That Impacts Home Builders and Owners

The Nebraska State Home Builders Association carefully monitors the Nebraska Unicameral. And provides members with updates and information regarding proposed legislation and regulations the will impact the residential construction industry.

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Nebraska State Home Builders website administration.

Our Nebraska Unicameral

Nebraska unicameral legislature

Did you know? Nebraska has the smallest state legislature in the United States. Comprised of 49 Senators, in a single unicameral house. Officially, Senators are supposed to be non-partisan.  The Legislative session last for 90 days in odd-numbered years and just 60 in even-numbered years. 

The lawmaking process in Nebraska officially begins when a senator introduces a bill into the Legislature, which meets each January. However, the process actually begins much earlier, when a senator first begins to formulate ideas for new laws. An idea for a new law may be suggested by anyone: concerned citizens, special interest groups, state agencies or the governor. But before the Legislature can formally consider the idea, it must be introduced as a bill by a senator or legislative committee.